Sunday, February 1, 2009

I am a Guitar Hero

So I've made it a habit of writing on this thing weekly and well today was the super bowl, but I don't really feel like talking about it. It was a good game, and I wish the Cardinals would have won, but I didn't really care none the less. So I decided to write on something I'm good at, and that is Guitar Hero.
Now I know you're all thinking wow, this guy really needs to get out and do something with his life. The thing is... video games are my life. I would rather do them more than almost anything, and guitar hero is one of my favorite games.
My crave started when I first played it at Andrea's house one time. I was pretty good to start off. I went straight to medium. By the end of the night I was playing some songs on Hard. Then I went to Kyler's house when he had borrowed it. I was playing a few songs on Hard and slowly getting the hang of it. I thought to myself "I've got to get this game." So I went out and bought Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock.
I quickly ran through Hard. It took me forever to beat it on Expert, but I finally did. It was an exciting time in my life, but I knew my mission was not complete. I had to do what very few have done. I had to complete what was known as "The Inhuman Achievement" and that was to beat Through the Fire and Flames on Expert. Over 3,000 notes. Some notes coming as fast as 21 a second. It took me nearly 2 months (not of solid play mind you) but I finally beat it. I have now beaten that song 3 times i think? and I have not come up against anyone who can beat me, besides some people on XBOX Live. Even on LIVE I dominate and the only people that beat me are the ones who devote hours to just one song and have it down to perfection so they will beat me even if i miss 3 notes.
There was a guitar hero tournament at BYU and I was really anxious to enter, but I ended up having to work that day and I wasn't able to enter. I still think I'm one of the better guys on campus and I can beat anyone who tried.
This is the only thing I can be cocky about and I know it's lame, but this is what I love to do. People always like to tell me, "Wow, you don't have a life." or "You need to get out more" What if I bashed on the thing you liked to do. "Wow, find something else to do besides snowboard." "You need to stop hanging out and do this a little more" Don't hate just because I'm good at something I love to do, because I don't belittle your talents at other things even though I'm not interested in them

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I played guitar hero last night and I thought of you. We were trying so hard to pass the section 4 or 5 (I can't remember) songs but we couldn't pass the song "ONE" from Metallica. We got so close but my hand was cramping sooo bad!