This was an essay/proclamation given by a kid in my English class on campus. It is so hilarious and I think it is all so true. He's from Boise and I think he's gotten a good perspective on the issure, by Nick Harley:
The whole problem started in the beginning, with our first parents, Adam and Eve. Eve wanted what she could not have: the forbidden fruit. I propose that girls are still being beguiled by that same serpent that was in the beginning. Bishop G. S. Nelson once said “Girls think that nice guys are boring and safe.” He acquired this insight during his numerous interviews with girls that attended the BYU ward in which he served as bishop.
The Nice Guy. The guy who is nice, genuine, sincere, and kind. Some girls ask if this guy exists. I am here to tell you that he does. He is that guy that you turned down last week when he asked you out. Yes, that is right. Last week’s rejection fits that description, but why did you reject him? Nice guys are no mystery. They go out of their way to do nice things, compliment girls, and are therefore boring. That’s why nice guys finish last.Girls. I would like you to stop and think for a second of a nice guy in your life that is always there for you but for some reason you cannot see him as a future companion. Then I want you to think of the way you talk to your friends about this person. Would you not say something to the effect of, “We are just friends; we could never be more than that”? The nice guy is the person you talk to when the mean guy rejects you. When you are not asked out on a date he is the person you call so that you are not alone. He is always there for you because he actually cares about you.
The “Friend Zone.” The nice guy enters into the “friend zone,” which is a zone that is impossibly hard to get out of. Once the nice guy tries to get out of the “friend zone” he becomes awkward and the relationship is never the same. But whose fault is it really? Some would say, “I do not find him attractive”, but I do not believe that to be true. It is not necessarily his appearance that makes him unattractive, it is the fact that he doesn’t play “the game”: there is no chase. Girls, it is just as shallow for you to go for the mysterious, funny, impossible guy, as it is for a guy to just go after looks. You are not unattracted to the nice guy, he just isn’t the mystery man you have imagined yourself dating. We all know the nice guy would treat you better than anyone else, but you still reject him.
The Next Best Thing. Girls fear that they can do better than what they already have, that they can get someone that is just a little better. They let this fear dictate what they do and who they date. Once girls have something, they need the next best thing. They are never satisfied. They think they need something new, something that is just out of reach. This fear that girls have causes them to go for the untouchable, the mean guy that does not want anything to do with them. When a girl pursues that kind of guy and gets rejected she says, “Why can’t I just date a nice guy?” She quickly forgets that just recently she rejected the nice guy who really did care about her. (Sam: This is my favorite line)
I believe that girls have an inherent quality that makes them honestly believe that if they can already get the guy, then they can get a better one, and that they deserve more.Victims. An argument that girls often use is that they are victims of guys that take advantage of their emotions, just as the nice guys feel they are victims. Girls need to take into account which kinds of guys are victimizing them. If they would just think about it, they would realize that they are chasing the mean guys. The nice ones do not ever want to upset them, but since they do not go after the nice guy, they are just asking for trouble. Girls, almost all of your problems and issues would be resolved if you would just stop rejecting nice guys, and give them a chance. Good Guys, This Is For You. You know you have been treated unfairly in the past, but please take the following information into account and use it the next time you think about asking a girl out. If the good guy finishes last, then that means only one thing: the mean guys finish first. This is because a girl likes a challenge, things that she cannot quite have. Girls know that nice guys are always available. When girls get lonely they know they can always rely on you being there for them. Nice guys, you appear desperate because you go out of your way to be a gentleman. Girls enjoy this game. The mean guy is mysterious… you never know what he will do next. He does not pay attention to the girls, and when he does, it is usually to make fun of them. For some reason girls love that. Everything he says is funny— not sincere or genuine, but funny. Someone has to change, and there are two options.
1. Girls: Give the nice guy a legitimate chance. Stop being beguiled and have an open mind.
2. Guys: Become the mysteriously impossible guy the girls are looking for. Play the game better than they do.