The past week has been such a crazy week for me, and now I'm finally getting the chance to blog about it.
Last Tues-Thur I got to spend time working with my cousin, Spencer and his wife Jessica. Spencer and I have gotten a lot closer since I've moved here. Even though we're about eight years apart, we have so much in common that we could almost be brothers. Even though working insallation was a drag, I was able to survive by sharing some good laughs with him.
Friday was the big day for me. I finally got to move back to Idaho for the last couple weeks before I head out on my mission. I had a great time this year hear in Utah. I had some great experiences. Below is a slide show of all my memories even though there aren't that many. I'm grateful for Parley and Marilynn who let me stay with them. I know that was probably a big burden on them at some points. I enjoyed hanging out with their family and watching their grandkids grow up.
Saturday was another awesome day for me. I got to go through the temple for the first time. It was such an awesome event, and the things I learned there are just greater testimony builders that our church is true. I went through the Twin Falls temple and my step-dad Bryan, and brother in-law Brandt were my escorts. (Head to Dani's blog for some pictures because I forgot my camera that day) Afterwards there was a lot of family there and we went to Chili's for dinner.
The last great experience I had was going to Pocatello yesterday on a road trip. I stopped by Danielle's house first and helped her with some errands. That was pretty fun stuff. Then I met Andrea at her apartment. We went over
to Sportsman's,
her work, and waited for Sam to get done working. They were both pretty depressed because it is so empty now. Today is their last day and then they're closing down. After Sam got off work we went to, you guessed it, Chili's for dinner. Man, I love that place. Afterwards we went over to a house who Sam's house-sitting for and watched, The Dark Knight. It was a really fun time, and all of us were dead after the movie. I had to make the trip back home around midnight so I was really tired.
So those are my experiences the past week. These next couple weeks are going to be intense. Lindsay's coming, Dani and Brandt's graduation, my farewell. Lot's of emotions are going to be zoomin soon.
Thanks for the blog I love reading it. Can't wait to see you real soon!
Thanks for stopping to see me and going shopping with me :) You could have stayed the night so you didn't have to drive back so late. Your pics are cute.
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